1. Grand-Pré National Historic Site
2205 Grand-Pré Rd, Grand-Pré.
ph: (902) 697-7101
em: grandpre.info@pc.gc.ca
In the heart of the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, Grand-Pré National Historic Site is a monument dedicated to Acadian culture in the 17th and 18th centuries. Discover life in Grand-Pré, situated in the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, from the first settlement in 1682 to the deportation in 1755.
Explore a landscape of weeping willows, flowering bushes and fruit trees, and discover a statue of Evangeline, the famous heroine of Longfellow.[ultimate_modal modal_contain="ult-youtube" modal_on="text" modal_on_align="left" read_text="Click here to watch the video 🔘" txt_color="#777777" modal_size="block" modal_style="overlay-show-genie" modal_border_style="solid" modal_border_width="2" modal_border_color="#ffffff" modal_border_radius="0"][/ultimate_modal]
3. Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens
441 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal.
ph: (902) 532-7018
em: admin@historicgardens.com
Experience an incredible fusion of heritage and gardens in our 17 acre Historic Gardens, recognized in 2015 by the Canadian Garden Council as Canada’s Garden of the Year! Resting on lands once inhabited by Acadian families in the early 17th century, visitors can explore a reconstructed 1671 Acadian house and stroll along a dykewalk around old Acadian marshlands. Enjoy guided tours, hallmark events like “Wine & Roses” and more. [ultimate_modal modal_contain="ult-youtube" modal_on="text" modal_on_align="left" read_text="Click here to watch the video 🔘 " txt_color="#777777" modal_size="block" modal_style="overlay-show-genie" modal_border_style="solid" modal_border_width="2" modal_border_color="#ffffff" modal_border_radius="0"][/ultimate_modal]
5. Sainte-Marie Church
1713 Highway 1, Church Point.
(902) 769-2832
Learn how the Acadians built this breathtaking structure, the largest wooden church in North America.
Sainte-Marie Church is adjacent to the Université Sainte-Anne campus at Church Point. Sainte-Marie's Parish, the first to be established in the Baie Sainte-Marie region of southwestern Nova Scotia. [ultimate_modal modal_contain="ult-youtube" modal_on="text" modal_on_align="left" read_text="Click here to watch the video 🔘 " txt_color="#777777" modal_size="block" modal_style="overlay-show-genie" modal_border_style="solid" modal_border_width="2" modal_border_color="#ffffff" modal_border_radius="0"][/ultimate_modal]
7. Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos
898 Route 335, West Pubnico.
ph: (902) 762-3380
em: musee.acadien@ns.sympatico.ca
Discover the Acadian history of Pubnico dating back to 1653, an Acadian community which is still occupied by the descendants of its founder. Learn about the Acadian people, hear their stories and take part in their culture. Archival treasures and artifacts spanning more than four centuries wait to be discovered. [ultimate_modal modal_contain="ult-youtube" modal_on="text" modal_on_align="left" read_text="Click here to watch the video 🔘 " txt_color="#777777" modal_size="block" modal_style="overlay-show-genie" modal_border_style="solid" modal_border_width="2" modal_border_color="#ffffff" modal_border_radius="0"][/ultimate_modal]